Map Out Your Biggest Innovation and Sustainability Challenges

Challenge Shaping Workshop

Brainstorm with experts and uncover opportunities for your organization.


Almost every company wants to keep innovating to ensure long-term resilience. To do so, it’s crucial to understand where your company stands and what the biggest challenges are. During the Challenge Shaping Workshop, you will work together with our experts, your colleagues, and external partners to map out your key innovation and sustainability challenges. This interactive session helps you link concrete goals and next steps to the identified challenges. In just one workshop, you will design your blueprint for innovation and sustainability, incorporating input from both internal and external stakeholders.

About the Challenge Shaping Workshop

What is the Challenge Shaping Workshop?

The Challenge Shaping Workshop is typically the starting point for a complete consultancy program. However, it is now also temporarily available as a standalone offering.


  • Identify your company’s biggest challenge together with your colleagues and our experts.
  • Link an innovation or sustainability goal to your challenge and determine the path to success.

What are the outcomes of the Challenge Shaping Workshop?

During the workshop, we will work together on:

  • A refined vision for your company’s sustainability and innovation strategy.
  • Identification of the biggest challenges to achieving this vision.
  • A concrete plan to tackle these challenges with Impact Nation.


The workshop is led by an experienced innovation expert.


How Does Participation Work?

1. Schedule a discovery call

When you book a consultation, one of our colleagues will reach out to answer your questions and, if desired, schedule the workshop.

2. Discovery call

During the call, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and learn everything about the Challenge Shaping Workshop.

3. Workshop confirmation

In the workshop, we will work together to identify your biggest sustainability challenge. Then, we will help you develop a concrete plan to address it.

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